Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Did my recent work cause you to look at a ruler?

I am very interested in hearing about reactions to my tiny art work.
Did seeing my work make you reach for a ruler, a dime or perhaps laugh?
Please share your's or your loved ones reactions!

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  1. Hi Amber! Your recent miniature works of art have me in AWE!!! I not only picked up a ruler and a dime, but found myself picking up anything small to make comparisons. One really fun comparison was to the charms I have on my original silver charm bracelet from kidhood. Each charm is well under and inch in size and they looked like "Land of the giants" next to yours. Not only is your talent amazing, but I can't believe the level of patience and tenacity each of these pieces exhibits. You must have great dexterity-I already know you have exceptional vision and precision. more comment (from my 22 year-old son) "Mom, those are cooler than the little grains of rice with writing on them" Why? "Because they look like something without a magnifying glass." Touche'!!!!

  2. I just couldn't get over how small and detailed they were. Only you could do something that wonderful.

  3. Your teeny tiny works of art first of all made my sweet tooth act up, then I stared and wondered how fingers could play with such small micro bits of fimo. I am amazed for sure. Love them all and enjoyed seeing the treats....but still have a craving for a cupcake,LO.


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!