Monday, April 19, 2010

~*Polymer clay creations made by my students this past weekend*~

Miniature (smaller than an inch) Frosted coconut layer cake made by, Heather

Miniature- smaller than 1/2 inch cinnamon bun made by, Heather

Flowers made by, Heather

Bead made by Gladys

Pin made by Gladys

Bead made by Alyssa

Bead and pendant made by, Sophia


  1. oh my! what a great cake and cinnamon bun! I want to take that class!

  2. wowsa...I love miniatures and miniature sweets! OMG...what could be better?!?

    Do you have any workshops in CA? or do you offer any online tutorials?

  3. I just can not believe how cute those tiny little cupcakes are! How is your eye site?
    I am back from Peru. It was WONDERFUL. No alpaca roving to be found. I'm thinking that it is probably available in the highlands. We did find yarn wholesalers though. I will be back but if not before Have a wonderful birthday.
    Blessings to you,
    Your west coast cyber-bud.


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