Tuesday, March 23, 2010

~*My Wonderful Birthday Brooch Gift by, Pat Winter!*~

Each year I like to order a colorful and cheerful piece of jewelry made by one of my art friends for my birthday. A few days ago I wrote to Pat and asked her to create this little beauty for me.
She made it right away and my heart is delighted by how CUTE she made it!

Isn't it wonderful?
And it is filled with such a calming scent of dried lavender.

Although my birthday is not for another month, I will start wearing this sweet doll right away!

~*Thank you SO much Pat!!!*~

Click here to see Pat's Blog and post!


  1. Are you willing to give up your secret to connecting your bracelets together? If not I understand.

  2. Hi Amber:)

    Beautiful gift presented by a wonderful person.

    My advance birthday wishes. May the Good God bless you with all happiness and success.

    Have a nice day Amber:)

  3. What a wonderful gift to give yourself. Happy Pre Birthday. Celebrate and enjoy all year long. Happy birthday to you...

  4. Wow - great birthday gift!
    Happy pre-Birthday greetings :)
    Nic x


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