Monday, November 30, 2009

Story Book Theme swap with RED as the focal... Extended till January 8th 2010!

Deadline has been extended to January 8th.

Make 10 with your name and email address for the swap and send 1 extra with no tag or wrapping so that I can use it for the bracelet or necklace that will be auctioned off in HOLLYWOOD!


We still need a couple more artists to join!

Please let me know if you are interested!
Mail along with $3.00 for return postage and email me your mailing info so that I can copy/paste it when I print out the return shipping label.

to:Amber Dawn

PO BOX 770354


NY 11377

(((Holly Moylan, I do not have your email address that's why you never hear back from me. please leave it in the comment section.)))

I will be hosting a charm swap this fall-winter for the Life Through Art foundation.

The theme will be story books, however each charm must have RED as the focal color.

Red Shoes?
Red Apples?
Red Riding hood?
Red Wagon?
Red Dog?
Red Hearts?
Red Sky?
Red Dress?
Find a story book you love and incorporate your spin on the imagery, characters, objects within the book etc. Add a tag or print up mentioning your inspiration and be sure to make your charms with the color RED as the focal or main accent color.
The size of each charm MUST be smaller than 1 inch including the jumpring and any extras you might like to add. 1 inch in total size.
The number of charms to swap will be 10 pieces per person with a commitment to send an extra charm as a donation.
The quality of your work will need to be your best work because the charms that are sent as extras will be auctioned at a fundraiser in HOLLYWOOD!
Ooh so glamorous!
Please pass the word on.
The swaps will be due January 8th so you have time to think about this one.
Please leave me a comment or email me to let me know if you would like to join in.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I believe because I have proof. I have faith because I want to believe.- Amber Dawn

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A good tip to making lots of sales...

If I've learned anything worthwhile about selling my art work in the past, that you might benefit from-
If you see someone REALLY loves something you made, their face lights up beyond compare or they stare in wonder and you see that they cannot afford it, LOWER YOUR PRICE. Better to sell something to someone who will appreciate your time and hard work. Your materials are always replaceable, your talent will be with you for life... Touching another person with your talent, generosity and kindness will bring you GREAT rewards afterwards.
Making a sale is easy if you are talented and make good work. Making someone happy each time they look at your work is PRICELESS!

Always make your work well.
Make your work sturdy.
Keep your work free of terrible smells.
Price your work at a price that *YOU* would be *HAPPY* to pay if you were the customer. If *YOU* wouldn't pay what you are charging, why should someone else?
Sell what you love. Be brave and enjoy selling your work at affordable prices. You will sell more in the long run, if your work is made well, interesting and good.

I am always happier after a sale if I sold my work to a happy customer. The money on it's own, never makes me happy. I feel nothing from the money at all. A happy and friendly customer is what I will keep with me. And it will keep them coming back or sending their friends and family to you as well.
A good word from the right person is all it will take to make you popular in the ring of sales.

And remember, for those that may be desperate to make money to pay bills and feed the family... Keeping prices too high to compensate will only keep customers away.
To reap more, be more generous!
It's a law of nature, the more you give, the more you get!

I am THANKFUL for so many good and talented online connections!
Happy Holidays all!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


While robbing a home, a burglar hears someone say, ''Jesus is watching you.'' To his relief, he realizes it is just a parrot mimicking something it had heard.

The burglar asks the parrot, ''What's your name?'' The parrot says, ''Moses.''

The burglar goes on to ask, ''What kind of person names their parrot Moses?''

The parrot replies, ''The same kind of person that names his Rottweiler Jesus.''

Thursday, November 19, 2009


For the first time in a long time, I dropped out of a swap at the very last minute... I wasn't pleased with my product and decided not to trade.

So, for the sake of making use of the work that I put into the 'zine, I would like to share some of it here.

The entire zine is meant to be taken apart, cut up, used and then shared or worn.

These are just a few of the pages.



Friday, November 13, 2009

~*Can you afford $1.00?*~

I just joined a Movember team! RAISING awareness of male forms of cancer...
Help FIGHT against prostate cancer~
~*Would you please donate to my team? We don't get any of the money, it goes to charity!*~
If you would support my effort, please click directly on my link here-
Amber Dawn the Mo'Sita!
Visa MC Discover!
Never heard of Movember?
Please go HERE<-----

~*Thank you!!!*~

Amber Dawn

Friday, November 06, 2009

A thought I shared on a thread last night...

"If we could eliminate all other reactions in a human, the one based on familiarity, of excitement because of LOVE... is why we are who we are.
We were designed to be excited explorers about experiences and share with our heart seeking to kindle the hearts and minds of others.
In the end, what we are left with is an undeniable urge to remain loved and entertain while we are entertained and connect.
((This is also why Facebook is so successful!))"
-Amber Dawn
This was written in response to a post made by another person online.
I liked it enough to post it here so I could remember what I said.

(((Journalist William D. Tammeus wrote, "You don't understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents everytime around and why his parents will always wave back.")))<---That is what started the thread.