Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Picking a blog follower to win at the end of October!

I will be including names from both of my followers lists. If you follow my blog, and you aren't already on one of them, there is still time

One day, Monday...

Today is "One day"...

"One day, I will be happy."
"One day, I will see them again."
"One day, I will be out of my $20,000.00+ debt."
"One day, I will have my best friends that I lost along the way back in my life."
"One day, I will be able to accept my scars/flaws/short comings."
"One day, all of this pain wont sting."

Today has been one of those days!



I've been productive.
Carving wood, painting, sculpting, being an artist.
Being me.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

WOW! see this!

Pretty cool stop motion animation/painting!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In honor of my favorite aunt who left our world today,

We will miss her and her very sweet
and loving personality.

She was my main inspiration to begin
merchandising, taking me to trade shows
when I was just 11 years old.

She was also a jewelry maker and fun person
to know.

My sister and I enjoyed it when our aunt would sing this to us along with drawing a curl on our foreheads with her finger and tickling our tummies at the very end.

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Forgot to post the photo...The white table...

I didn't have time to repaint it, but everyone who sees it in person says that I should leave it as is. (Shabby chic-ish)
(((:::Solid wood!:::)))

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Exciting news!!!
Jewelry from the book "A Charming Exchange" will be available to bid on at auction NEXT MONTH!!!
Are you excited?

(((:::I AM!:::)))

Go here for more details---> A Charming Exchange!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Waiting on one more Think Pink parcel...

Think Pink charm swappers, I believe that I should be getting the missing parcel that I have been waiting for either today or tomorrow.
It's been a lovely swap to host and I am looking forward to creating a final piece for the Susan G Komen fundraiser via Monica Magness.

Interesting article that you might find interesting....

Interesting article- the theory of how friends and people around you not only affect one another but also those who are 3 degrees away as well. Read the first 3 pages at least. Involves smoking, health, cheer, grief, obesity, fitness, etc.

Some of the tests done are really speculative, however, while reading I myself noticed similar behavior patterns and social effects among people in my own circles of concern and general region.
Let's not forget that there are emotional and spiritual ties among one another. This also tunes into the effects of social behavior and affects the outcome of day to day living as well as long term adjustments that may be made, coincidental, or based on actual ties that bind.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Would you consider?.....

If you are in a situation where you have more craft and beading supplies than you could possibly ever use.
Would you consider making up little bundles of NICE THINGS- not your craft junk!- to share with those who are less fortunate than you, or who might be in a depressed funk this holiday season?

I really feel and believe strongly about this.

I myself will be making small bundles of supplies and wrapping them up really pretty and setting them aside for the fast approaching winter season.

Maybe you can share one pack of mixed beads, some strong stringing material and clasps?
Enough supplies to make something out of...

Be generous.
Many creative children out there would LOVE to have your scrap papers and extra pens and pencils.

Just be sure to think your gifts through. Taking special care to include colorful and cheerful items if you have them.
If you could, add on an encouraging note or pretty tag. Personalize the gift.

Let your imagination fly!

Please note, I am not asking you to send me anything. I am asking you to gather up goods, make them into gift bundles and then find the right people and children to share them with *in you own circle of friends and town of neighbors*.

It's good and healthy!

Candace guessed correctly!

-... .-.. .- -.. -.. . .-.

Is the correct answer!

Thank you for playing along!!!

That was my first blog riddle.
Stay tuned for more soon!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Riddle me this-----

.-- .... .. -.-. .... / -... --- -.. -.-- / .--. .- .-. - / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / .... . .-.. .--. / -.-- --- ..- / --. . - / .--. .-. --- --. .-. . ... ... .. ...- . .-.. -.-- / .... .. --. .... . .-. / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / .-. . -- --- ...- . / .--- ..- ... - / --- -. . / -.-. --- -. ... --- -. .- -. -Riddle by, Amber Dawn

Friday, September 11, 2009

~*Find of the day!*~

YAY! I found the prettiest wooden table/bench that was being loaded into a demolition container (AKA dumpster). I asked the guy, who was neatly loading the bin, for it and he smiled. I carried it home, in the rain for 5 blocks and now my arms feel like noodles!
I just finished disinfecting it and am admiring the work that someone put into it. Worth every bit of muscle soreness I will probably get tomorrow!
I look forward to maybe stripping it or painting it, we'll see.

The nice thing is, just yesterday I imagined a table/bench similar to this one right where it is currently stationed in my home. This one is prettier!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

~*Lisa Gatz*~ is the winner-

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2009-09-08 05:52:59 UTC

Audra hasn't gotten back to me so I ran the number generator
again and got #75. That is Lisa Gatz! You have until Friday to get in touch with me to claim your prize!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

And the winner is... #28

The September winner picked from my blog follower's list is
~*Audra of Green Meadow Lane!*~
You have until Monday to get back to me to claim your prize!

It's a handmade charm bracelet!