Friday, June 26, 2009

~*You are welcome to my unbirthday party, here today!*~

It's time! Time to celebrate my unbirthday!
Along with so many others who are as adventurous and
whimsical at heart!

The prize, one of the fabric charms pictured below, made by me.
I hope these make you laugh,
little cake charms made for an Alice in Wonderland charm swap.

I didn't want to keep you here too long!
~*Happy unbirthday to all who's birthday is NOT today!*~


  1. We had planned a painting workshop to take a group of students to Hawaii. Getting close to the end it looked like there were not going to be enough sign ups to pay for hubbie and I to go so we cancelled it. That afternoon we recieved a call about two foster kids that needed a place to stay for two weeks on the exact same day we were to leave for the trip we had just cancelled. We said yes and the rest s history. It was 15 years ago and they now belong to us! 17 and 20 years old! God's hand was all over this one!

  2. Hi Amber Dawn. as far as a memorable miracle moment, I could never pick just one. Ive seen and been through alot of things in my life and consider so much a miracle that I am here, alive and happy, able to do art. Your cupcakes make me smile. "eat me" LOL. Please add me to your drawing, you have very nice work. Thank you for posting. -HurricaneKassi

  3. Oooh thank you for letting me pop by your whimsical party! Please drop over to my place and party on!

  4. The miracle of holding your grandchildren for the first time...nothing can compare. Your charms are adorable.

  5. Those are very cute charms!

    (Thanks for the unbirthday wish!)

  6. Happy unbirthday to you! And thank you for a lovely time! Those cake charms are delicious and those fabric charms are fabulous! My latest miracle was the birth of my first child, Toot! What a day that was! lol

    You're madly invited to my tea party, I do hope you'll stop by!

  7. How cute! love the cupcakes! I am getting an early start on the party and mustn't be late! TTFN

  8. What lovely cupcakes & trinkets! ^-^

  9. such cute charms and lovely party, thanks for having me here today. A magical moment in my life was when I thought I'd lose my grandmother in 3 weeks,that was 5 years ago and she's still here today! Happy partying and please do stop by my place this weekend.

  10. I do know of a very real miricle. A friend of ours was in a terrible car crash and had severe brain damage, in fact the doctors told her parents that she was brain dead and advised them to turn off life support. The parents brought clothing in for their daughter and told the doctors no.. she will walk out of there. Well, she didnt walk out of there, but she does walk now and she is very much alive and kicking! She is such a miricle that she has been on tv shows and in magazines.
    have fun party hopping and I do hope to win one of your lovely charms. be sure to stop by my blog for my version of the madhatters party!

  11. A memorable miracle?

    I feel like I have had several of these in my life, but right this moment, I can't remember any of them...does that make them unmemorable?

    Last fall, I wanted to stop working and stay home with my kids but we needed money. Right after making this decision, my husband received a very large bonus from work. And each time I have doubted my decision this year because of lack of funds, another bonus has come through.

    How's that?

    A Very Merry Unbirthday to you!

    Erin :)

  12. OOOhhhh. I love your fabric charms. I've never seen anything like these. How creative you are! You cupcakes are just too yummy! Stop by later if you get a chance.

  13. All the charms are great! I particularly like the watches!!!!

    I hope you'll visit my Tea Party and see what I'm decking out the party-goers in!

  14. My birthday is Monday!! Woohoo!! Looks like you are having a wonderful party!!

  15. Happy Tea Party Day! I love your gorgeous charms. My most memorable moments are two actually: Giving birth to my children. Who could forget bringing joyful life into this world?

  16. The charms are ever so lovely and the cakes look so inviting, don't mind if I do have one:) A magical time was had at your party, thanks for being so charmingly hospitable! Have a magical weekend! Twyla

  17. What a wonderful giveaway!! Let see, miracle... I do not know that I have winess a moment of a miracle, but certainly the birth and unfolding of miracles. Watching my disabled son go from violence and mad hatter conversations to a gentle, intelligent man!! Thanks.

  18. These are adorable! Just asking to be eaten! :)

  19. Your charms are so beautiful. I`ll certainly love to win one :)

    My most memorable miracle must be when we found out that we were having a baby. After about 5 years of trying we had given up, and then suddenly out of the blue, there she was... a tiny little miracle growing inside me :)

  20. What lovely charms! And those cupcakes look wonderful!

    I think my most memorable miracle so far would have to be my mother surviving her battle with cancer. She was so sick for so long...we were all terrified. But she fought hard and made it through, with a little help from a miracle. :)

    Hope you have a spectacular cupcake and tea to the brim filled day! Happy Un-birthday!


  21. Watching my mom have my baby was 16 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday!

    Happy Tea Partying!

  22. OMGoodness!!!! Your creations are wonderful. I LoVe!! Please stop by for tea with me, but watch out for Alice! **blows kisses** Deborah

  23. Your charms are darling. WHat have I witnessed that was a miracle? So very many things!!! I once prayed for help moving when the movers did a terrible job packing my U-haul...then they had to go...there was stuff sticking out of the back of the truck and you couldn't even close the back door! I prayed for help and I am not kidding...two Mormon missionaries rode up on their bicycles and said, "Do you need some help?" I about died! "Yes! I do need help and you are not going to believe this..." anyway I told them my story and they had the truck unloaded and reloaded (very efficiently; I might add) in less than an hour! That was a miracle, it had taken the other movers ALL DAY to get paid to do a crappy job and these two young men did a fabulous job for free, they just shared their testimonies and moved on. It was an answer to my prayers.

  24. Oh I love your charms! Having babies was a miracle to me. Although having teenagers is another story. :)

  25. A memorable miracle? Good question! I would say that the just waking up every day to view the wide world and live it is miracle enough for me.

    I am having a giveaway on my blog...come by and say hi at

    Enjoy the day!

  26. I believe that life itself is a miracle. What keeps our hearts beating and our lungs breathing. Every minute detail of our existence is a miracle in and of itself.


    P.S. I'm having a giveaway at my party, come visit if you have the time!

  27. OMG, I adore those Alice charms! I wish myself the best of luck to win one on my un-birthday - LOL.
    Daydreamer :)

  28. So many miracles
    Bloglandia definately qualifies.
    It's a wonderful place full of dreams and art and friends and possibility.

  29. those charms are soooo delightful ... a single memorable miracle ...

    right after I was married, my husband and I packed up everything we owned and drove cross country to new beginnings ... it was the third night of driving and just hours before we'd get to our final destination when I started feeling the anxiety of "are we doing the right thing" and thought to myself, "I'm scared ... please let me know that I am doing the right thing" ... not more than two minutes passed after that though and we passed a sign of mountains bearing my new last name, crested a hill and were treated to a spectaular night view complete with a meteor shower like none I had ever seen before

    ... that counts, doesn't it? :)

    Wishing you wonderful Mad Tea Party wanderings! ~M~

  30. i'm here at last..happy unbirthday...i will add you to my follow list...i am enjoying the parties and dancing my day away...i am having my tea by the sea...with flowers in my hair...come join me...hugs, rebecca/cre8tiva

  31. How adorable are those cupcake charms? Oooh so cute!
    And i love the fabric Alice charms, too
    Clever clever girl!
    Happy Un/Birthday right back at ya!

  32. Hi Amber Dawn! Happy unbirthday to you! Thanks so much for your birthday wishes on my blog! It really means a lot! Love your fabric charms! So creative and sooo adorable! Have a great weekend!

    Lisa :)

  33. Oh my. Well, coming from a very rough background to actually live life with integrity, courage, honesty and lots of love & joy, staying true to myself IS a miracle to me. It could have gone so very very very wrong.

    Through out all of it I kept my sanity and my childlike quality...and of course my writing and art! My life is a miracle!

    Every day! I constantly choose happy and live a grateful life. Remembering that forgiveness is hard but necessary to free myself, and that is a constant battle to make sure that I forgive all, and not hang on to resentments.

    Some one else's failings have always brought me the opportunity to view my pain as growth...I change who I am and HOW I choose to live my life. It is what I choose to do with the pain that sets me free from the actions of others.

    I LOVE your charms!!!

  34. Happy UnBirthday to you too. Wonderful Alice inspired charms.

  35. A miracle for me is that I have lived to see my granddaughter.

    Renee xoxo

  36. First of all I just love your miracle is holding my darling granddaughter in my arms when she was just 1 hour old. Since then we have a strong bond and I thank god for her each day.
    Happy unbirthday, and many more...delighted with your blog.

  37. Great party! A magical moment in my life was when I feel in love with my wonderful man! It was such a great time!
    Beautiful charms!

  38. memorable miracles....I try to see a little something everyday.
    Whether it is the birth of a friend's child, my husband making it home safe and sound every night after work, a plant I thought was long dead sprouting a flower...the list can go on forever.

    enjoy the everyday miracles.


  39. Blessings to you, Amber Dawn, from Illinois! Have an awesome un-birthday--and many more! Your little cupcakes LOOK good enough to eat!

    Will try to get linked up to the Maddest Tea Party Ever as well!

  40. Happy unbirthday to you~! I love your little charms! They are beautiful..and oh so charming!

  41. Hmmm, what beautiful charms! I think my most recent memorable miracle was the stunning sunny weather that came out in the middle of winter for my mad tea party!


  42. Love your sweet charms!!! and as far as a memorable miracle-I know it is cliche but the birth of my children I would have to say!


    hope you have a chance to stop by my tea party too:)

  43. Your fabric charms are simply wonderful! I love you site and tea party!

  44. The birth of my son after 12 years of trying …
    The rainbow in the sky and each day of life…

    Have a very happy tea party day,


  45. Lovely blog!

    The miracle that is my daughter has been the most magnificent thing I have ever seen. ;-)

  46. Darling charms and yummy looking cupcakes! My best miracle has got to be my three healthy kids. Best miracle ever!

  47. And a very merry un-birthday to you too my dear. You really know how to celebrate, so, I hear!

    A real life miracle is my baby Bumbalina's laughter. She fixed my broken heart with a simple smile and my whole world is lovely again.

    If you have a moment come join me for tea. I'll save you a sweetie if you'll just have a seatee, at my mad faerie tea party.

    Love LaLa

  48. How lovely are your charms! I dare say- those cupcakes are nearly edible!
    My memoriable miracle is being able to sit and paint with my great Aunt every summer (She will be 99 this year) and that I have a hard time keeping up with her!
    Happy mad partying and Unbirthday!

    p.s.the Extreme LED Sheep- are my all time Fav! how awesome is that!

  49. oh my those are so beautiful!

    this past week as my son was coming back from church camp there were two vehicles full of kids. he was in the second. several of his friends were in the first. a drunk driver swerved in front of them (the first vehicle of kids). it caused them to swerve off the road and the car turned over 4 and a half times. the car was crushed terribly. amazingly, the worst injury to any of the children (or the driver) was a bruised lung, and several lacerations. the front passenger seat was completely crushed in but no one was sitting there. there were several factors that could have been different and resulted in tragedy but didn't. the EMTs were amazed. even the drunk driver escaped with just a broken jaw.

  50. *:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:
    *:*:*:Make and make-believe! Such a lovely:*:* *:*party!! Your charms are divine!!*:*:* I think it is a memorable miracle that so many "virtual" strangers can gather together for tea!

  51. What a delightful post - love your charms!

    Miracles are all around us, and I believe we experience them all the time, if we just pay very careful attention...My own most memorable involves a loved one's health issues, so I'll refrain from sharing details....But like most of us, I have indeed experienced miracles. :)

    ~ Carolee

  52. wow - so many miracles happening all the time you can see the hand of God everywhere. I loved reading all the stories ~ thank you for allowing everyone to share.
    I just feel my everyday here with my children and family is a miracle.

  53. Great post, and amazing fabric charms. My most memorable moment during my lifetime is having a daughter. I had some difficulty getting pregnant the second time, and was thrilled that I now had both a son AND a daughter! She will always be my greatest joy! ~Nan

  54. oooo. i love the fabric charms! i love the eat me charms!
    a miracle.....hmmm.
    when my DH and I decided to move to kauai my DH had seen a property online that we knew we wanted....but we could not afford the asking price and our offer was rejected. My DH spent 4 months looking for another property to buy, but nothing was in our price range. So he was giving up but decided to revisit the original property we had wanted. Lo and behold 100's of people had come thru to view the property, but no one but us had put a bid on it and it was a divorce sale and had to be sold and we got it..... WE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER!
    cool, huh?

  55. A memorable miracle? Aww, it makes me sniffley. When I was pregnant with the little elf baby he had a knot in his umbilical cord. The Dr.'s gave me all sort of facts and numbers and scary business about success rate, and suggested all sorts of other scary things. Not a fun third trimester! Thankfully my little boy was born without any problems or complications. A miracle if I do say so myself!

  56. My party ended hours ago, but I wasn't ready to put my frolicking shoes away. Thank you for having me!

    I love your Alice charms with a passion! I would have to say that my memorable miracle is the moment where a little autistic boy who hated to be touched in any way ran to me with his arms wide open for a great, big hug. My heart had never been so warmed :)

  57. Hi Amber,

    MMM my most memorable moment would have to be a day in December...long a go, just right after Christmas. I was single at the time. I awoke one morning and realized....that the man who had been my friend and only my friend, who was there for me always, was the one whom I could spend the rest of my life with. At that moment, I knew my life would Never be the same. I was right, we married and he is the most beautiful soul. I am lucky to have met him and to have the time to love him and except his love in return.

  58. Happy un-birthday to you! Really cute charms =)

  59. How sweet of you! I'm still partying today!

  60. The miracle of true love and the first moment you realize you have it and you've found your soul mate. That's the moment that changed my life.

  61. Hmm. The world spins at an unbelievable rate, carrying life that creates itself out of random chemical interactions. Each of us is the result of nigh-incalculable odds. How can I name one miracle? Either everything is miraculous, or nothing is!

    Maybe..the moment of creation? That one quick, flashing moment, not when a piece is finished, but when the idea comes into being? If the physical world is astounding, the existence of the mental one is even more incredible-- and we all build it, constantly!

    And yes, I like your charms.:D


  62. Hi Amber,
    I have witnessed many miracles in my life.The greatest miracle have been my rebirth and life change as the result of accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.Nothing compares to what he did when he died on the cross for my sins and then rose from the grave after three days.He has left an open invitation to who so ever will come and believe in him , repent of your sin and turn to him and he will save you. When this transaction really takes place and you are truly regenerated , now that's a miracle.
    I love your charms , please put me in your drawing. Please come by my tea party.8-)

  63. Amber i have come back a post to say this as i was totally engrossed in your miracle stories and i wrote my own there too.
    I came to say a huge thank you for sending the lovely charms from your charm day. Thank you so much they are beautiful. My son has just had an operation on his brain and we have been so busy and we have been blessed that he is recovering now so i have been unable to do much blogging but hope to catch up now.
    Thanks again for your kindness and your beautiful inspirational blog
    Hugs June xxxx

  64. Hey there! I love your fabric charms! I believe in miriacles...I have been blessed many times over. My mom's little dog, a shih Tzu, was run over by a car and 'flew' out of the back tire. He laid there lifeless, yet his eyes were open and he was barely breathing. I took him to the vet immediately, not even letting mom know what had happened. I waited and waited and finally yhtey told he he was only in shock! Nothing broken, no internal injuries...I honestly do not know what happened, short of a I also got hit by lightening at age 17...and lived...miracles are everywhere...


  65. There are so many...the birth of my kids, instances of healing, mended relationships...but, I think the best miracle of all is that God doesn't leave us where we are. If we take one step toward Him, even a glance toward Him, he grabs us up and, if we're willing, repairs our hurts and makes us whole. He enables us to live in this world while we wait to be with Him!

  66. great party and love your charms.!!!!

  67. When I was carrying my last baby the Dr's told me she would have Down Syndrome and had a heart defect that would make open heart surgery necessary immediately after birth. Four weeks later after much prayer our miracle occured when during a routine ultra-sound they pronounced her a totally healthy baby with no heart problems what-so-ever. She is my biggest inspiration.

  68. My girlfriend and I went camping one year on a very tight budget. Well something went awry with the bank account and we wound up having no money, no minutes left on the cell, and the tank was on E, when it came time to go home. We drove about 75 miles home to get cash from a friend and then another 10 to a gas station and didn't run out! THAT was a miracle if ever there was one!

    Your cakes looks divine and those charms are adorable! I've had a lovely time! Thanks so much for having me! ^-^

  69. So beautiful...I LOVE those charms! That and these comments are going to keep me here for a while, browsing through all your eye candy! :)

    As for miracles, I've seen and been in car accidents that shouldn't have had survivors.

    My favorite though, is that I have two little red head beauties after being told I'd probably never have kids. Turns out I'm a fertile Myrtle! :)

    I'd love for you to come and visit my's a video. :)

    It's very nice to meet you! :)



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