Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I am thankful and appreciate those of you who took the time to share
your personal stories with us.

Miracles... A treasure of hope.
~*The winner is- ~*Jenna Louise*~
Here is her comment!-----------------------
"Such inspirational stories, I love reading them.
It gives us hope, faith and an understanding that everything happens for a reason.
Last summer something unbelievable happened to our family.
My husband's family has a dairy and grain farm in Ohio. They are a very close family and everyone does their part to keep things going.
My Father-In-Law is 78 years old and still likes to help out in anyway he can.
You will never see him in a rocking chair:) The weather was starting to turn and a small field of hay needed mowing. FIL thought he could be of great help by getting it mowed while the boys were at work.
It was hot, very hot and being diabetic with a heart condition can make things very difficult in the humidity.
To this day, he does not recall how it all happened, but he remembers something was wrong with the haybine, so he climbed down off the tractor and fixed the problem.
The next thing he knew, the tractor jumped into gear and ran over him, head to toe.
A neighbor found him and help arrived at the scene.
He was flown to the hospital and we all gathered by his side.
When my husband and I walked in the room, he knew who we were and wanted to talk about the tractor and haybine.
I felt in my heart he was going to make it, God had a plan and it was for him to stay with us.
The nurse in the trauma unit told us that very few patients are lucky enough to walk away, but she could tell he was a fighter.
As the weeks passed by, I witnessed the most astonishing miracle I have ever seen. This 78 year old man's body healed so quickly.
His spirit was positive and two weeks to the day of the accident he came home.
He suffered some broken ribs, a broken foot, a few minor internal injuries and damage to his eardrum.
No long-term injuries, no damage to his brain.
You could see exactly where the tire had traveled on his body and to think today he looks and feels good. God Blessed our family and we are all so thankful for this memorable miracle."
- Jenna Louise
Mon Jun 29, 12:56:00 PM EST


  1. thats fantastic. I so enjoyed these stories and love these drawing too.
    This story is so uplifting and shows we can fight against some pretty hard things and come out winning.
    Hugs June xxx

  2. Love this story!!! Miracles ARE all around us, if we look!

    My fabric charms should be there today. There is a long story about why they are just now getting there, but I'll put it in a note and mail it to you. I have something for you that didn't make it's way into the other package.

  3. such an amazing story! glad to hear all turned out well with your FIL ... and congrats to Jenna!!


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!