Friday, May 01, 2009

I'm glad that it's May...

I am really thankful that April flew by so fast.
It started off so very painful for me...

The inspiration to start a holiday out of the random blue came to me at a time that I *REALLY* needed a huge distraction. (It was the end of March)

Thankfully, my focus was on getting through the month by looking forward to happy and enjoyable events.

THANK YOU to all who helped me celebrate the first annual International Charm Day.
It was great fun and I met so many more nice and charming artists out there on the *world wide* web.

It was also really nice to have so many good & familiar online friends joining in & being so supportive as well as excited about the idea.

There is so much change going on in this world, in my life, in my heart...
I feel we all need more GOOD days to plan for and look forward to.

Wishing you all a fantastic and healthy weekend.
Remember to be more careful...
Remember to be more full of care.



  1. Hi Amber

    Thank you for coming up with a new holiday to celebrate! I had great fun making my charms for my give away, spreading the word about it and visiting so many great charm makers blogs. I look forward to celebrating it with you next year.



Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!