Saturday, May 09, 2009

~*Happy Mother's Day!*~

There are so many wonderful, fabulous and fantastic mommies out there all over the world who I would LOVE to send a personal HAPPY MOTHERS DAY message to.
But I don't have enough time to email and mail you all so-
I will share it here, for all to see-

Wishing all of the mommies and mums a
beautiful and delightful -
From me!
Amber Dawn
(This includes all of the mommies of furbabies and feathered babies too!)


  1. thanks, Amber. :) wishing you a most wonderful weekend, too.

  2. Thanks and you have a lovely Sunday as well.

  3. Ohhh Amber i didnt know about this blog too. I am off to add myself to follow :)
    Big hugssssssss xxxx June xxx


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