Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What is wrong with that girl? & Cool Dolphins!

I am really enjoying this feed of Dolphins being artistic!

Amazing, in a world where pop stars can get on my nerves by singing nasty lyrics that should be banned from our planet, there are creatures living beneath water using their breath to create something worth watching.
Click here to see real Dolphins doing something really sweet, intelligent and totally creative!

(Shaking my head and making a stink face)
It's been bothering me so much for the past few days-- that I just have to vent this... I just want you to know in case you don't, and you have little girls who sing along with the new Britney music, there is a song that is being played on the radio that is SO vulgar I cannot believe the FCC is allowing it airtime during the day. I couldn't believe my ears and had to look the lyrics up online to confirm what I thought I heard, but didn't believe was possible that I heard...

I am really disappointed with B. Spears and feel that the "Amy" song should NOT be played so freely on the air during the day, if at all.

Hearing little girls saying/spelling "F''.'.'.' me" while singing along to a pop song makes me very angry.
I am far from a buttoned up church lady, but come on?!

That girl could be writing and performing content that lifts her and her fans up, not pinning herself to the ground.
What a waste... I say a big loud *BOOOOOOO!!!!!* to that song.

I'd rather pay $100.00 to see a live Dolphin perform a 5 minute show, like that in the video I linked to, over a live concert set of that pop chick prancing around in high heels singing what she sings.
Keep yours and your little girls' ears safe from this "Amy" song, nothing good will come of it!

I really needed to vent this...


  1. So that is what that song is about, I have been trying to figure it out. I thought it was really if you see amy....and just thought that is weird....I don't get a lot of music these days.....

  2. That you noticed the importance of this is the best step one can take. Then, ban that song from any device or station, if necessary. Finally, spreading the word, as you have done, and, possibly, writing the label, are various ways in which your voice can be heard over the din of foul language, passed off as music.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


  3. There is a great comparison that you've made there in what is worthwhile to spend our time on. That's such a soothing and sweet video!

  4. don't know the song and sounds like I am better off for it ...

    the dolphin video was cool! thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Sometimes I think we were better off before all this media explosion, at least our kids were!

  6. Amber, I loved the dolphin video, very very interesting and nice to watch. How can we stop these vulgar songs? Any ideas?

  7. I agree totally. I cringe at those songs.

  8. I've seen that dolphin piece before and marveled at it. So creative!

    Whereas our National Pop Tart is not. I've never understood the furor that surrounds her. She can dance - nonsensical steps, I think, but I think that's to disguise the fact that she doesn't have a very good voice. Then to spew such vulgar lyrics over the airwaves, YUCK. But then, I think I might be an Old Fart, when I hear this stuff on the radio and say to myself "I just don't get these kids today".

    Enjoy the dolphins - much more uplifting. :)


  9. I play music in my classroom, and if I hear anything about violence, sexual vulgarity, etc. I make the kids turn it off. I can say the f word like the best of them, and am by NO means a prude, but if I want to get down and dirty, it is in my own space/my own privacy...and I think that it is out of control.....but then you have the whole thing about freedom of expression, and censorship, and how to handle all of that? I don't want people telling me what I can show in a public gallery and what I cannot is so complicated. sigh... poots

  10. Hey good for you for sharing this! As the mother to Material Girl it's good to know.


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