Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April 28th ~*International Charm Day!*~

Wouldn't it be fun to have a special day for wearing and gifting special charms?
It sounds like fun to me, so I am going to make it happen!

What will this day be about?
Maybe giving some of your own handmade charms or ones you've gotten from a swap, to good friends, family and anyone who makes your day to day lives brighter, better or just more fun!
(Examples- postal workers, nurses, teachers, sales girls, waitresses (when leaving a tip), secretaries, children etc.)

Each charm could have a special meaning or feeling behind it.
Or, you could just make a general set and hand them out randomly!

You could add on a tag that mentions they are being gifted a charm on International Charm Day and add in your name or contact info if you feel comfortable enough to do that (for the ones you give to those who are not so familiar.)

It's not just a gift of art but also one of cheer and also inspiration!
Imagine if each person who gets one feels like making more of them to give others?

If you would like to celebrate this day with me and if you blog about your charms I will be posting a little banner tag for everyone to add to their blogs soon.

I claim April 28th as "International Charm Day"


  1. I am so there! I'll post about it when you do the button.

    Did I miss the sign up for the fabric charms?

    I've been praying for you.

    Blessings to you my friend Amber.


  2. I think I have to do this. I was in a shop on Monday asking about cigar boxes and the sweet gal working there gave me three. I asked what her fav color was so I could make her a CQ pendant for her kindness. Having charms in my purse would be very good!
    Great idea.

  3. I'am in!
    I added the info to my blog...hope you approve!
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. Hi!

    Today I posted an entry on my blog with a link to this entry.

    Would you let me know if that's OK?


    Nancy Ward

  5. Be sure to add
    www.InternationalCharmDay.blogspot.com to your post so that everyone can get to the right place for the "party"
    ~*Thank you Nancy!*~

    Adding the info on your blog puts your name in the hat for a prize!

  6. I love, love, love this!
    I'm so participating in this!
    Wonderful idea, and now I have a reason to make MORE charms.
    I only have a random 50 or so made, with no purpose, well, before this wonderful idea.
    Thank you Michelle (3rdeyemuse) for posting about this.
    I've added the banner and link to my blog now!
    And I shall share it with others...
    Bairbre Aine


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!