Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Your New York? My New York?

New York, where you share your thoughts with every other sound.
Invaded constantly because there is always something going on.
You're trying to squeeze all of your thoughts together but they are always exploding outwards.
Getting away from you.
Never really a part of you?
Just a part of what is next to you.

New York
Just a place to spend some time
How about a life time?

Awoken in the middle of the night, a sudden chill runs up my spine.
I've got to get there. How much time? I am out of time.
Always out of time.

Always in with the Fashion

Wouldn't want to be nobody.

What is a nobody in New York?
I wouldn't know.
Because I'm somebody!

On the scene,
All the spoken languages
Turning into meaningless babbles.
All the spoken languages reminds me of how some Mayor once said, "We are a tolerant State".
New York! I feel like quiting but I can't.
Am I addicted?
Could it be that I would just quit anywhere.
You & I, we are so used to our environment.
Always saying that we are getting out,
But we are not, are we.

New York, come and spend some time, share your magazine with the person next to you
While on the train
Taking a ride
Strike up a conversation?
That's not too bad.

Now you're being a New Yorker.

Written by, Francisco- the guy who is pictured way below an another post- making the furniture for me.


  1. I hope he word smiths a lot - I like the way they tumble. :)

  2. Hi Amber :)

    I am amazed at this inspirational writing of a furniture maker who is genuine in his feelings and thoughts about New York.

    New York is the financial capital of the world and a beacon light to all the nations of the world. The slightest tremor in New York will be reverberated all over the universe.

    Why should any one living in New York should think of leaving. On the other hand people want to come and settle down in NY.

    Many thanks for sharing the outpourings of a simple furniture makes. He is a great thinker and an excellent writer.

    Best wishes :)

  3. I like this...talented guy...
    I am so glad you like my pet quilts...they are really fun to do and I try to get that sparkle in the pets eyes....
    I just got your comment about the "Goonies house"....It is cool isnt it? Grandma was so excited when the movie came out..We all know Astoria really well, so it is fun to watch...She lived in another house too up on one of the big steep hills and during the big "Astoria fire" it burned down. My great grandma saved her by wrapping her in a fur coat and throwing her down the stairs. I have her doll that went down the stairs with her and parts of it are burnt.....
    Thanks for visiting! Melinda


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