Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Meet ~*Alexandria- Sasha for short!*~


I was invited to join a Chanukah swap last year and was blessed with some wonderful gifts over the 7 nights which I got to open gifts from others. Those who participated- Joyce Vance ,Joanne Thieme Huffman , Connie Williams , Fran Saperstein , Kara Klein, Me, Judy Streger and Sandee Hyde !

I have not yet been able to take pictures of all that I got- However, I found one of my gifts on Judy Streger's blog.

She was the host and made me a VERY special gift.

A gypsy doll, adorned with gold jewelry and tons of jewels!

I ~*LOVE*~ my gypsy!

She lives in a fabulous spot right on my shelf.

I've recently learned that her given name by her father's mother Nadine, is Alexandria, Sasha for short.

Sasha arrived with a note and a bag full of precious gems in exchange for the rent on my shelf. She doesn't like to eat so she is a welcome guest!

After inspection, I gladly accepted her jewels and crystals which were made in Austria before she was even born!

Sasha makes me smile and I am happy to have her company!

Below is a picture I borrowed from Connie William's blog

This is the gift- or one very similar to it that

I made for each person in the holiday gift exchange.

This is taken from Joyce's blog and is what
I got from her in the swap.

1 comment:

  1. I think anyone would be thrilled to have Sasha for a visit! and the charms you made for everyone are beautiful. :)


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!