Thursday, November 06, 2008



  1. Science & History were my MOST challenging subjects! You smarto-pants YOU! Love the new pic... and I went WILD on Sabii's red blog reading ALL about your art! The pics MELTed the chill in the air away!!!

    Gosh, I could pour over those charms for-EVA!!!

    You are the kuhl one miss thang! But, love that you said so... (still smiling)
    xo, Me

  2. The only way that people will get my post, is if they see the Laminin sermon posted on the snopes site or YouTube.
    Click on the link, and watch the video.
    It is a preacher teaching about the role of Laminin.
    It's powerful, but I wanted to remind people that Laminin is just one component of all things that make up our collective cells on earth.
    More importantly, that while cells bind us, it is really the SPIRIT that binds ALL together.

  3. I saw the video on the YouTube, it was pretty powerful and amazing how REAL God's spirit is. So REAL that God desires to live in each and everyone of us.


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!