Friday, November 14, 2008

Heather's Birthday, Portals, Odd Ball Charm, Pam's cards, Ebay, Etsy, DOODLES and----

It was a busy day for me! I've been up since 6:30 am and managed to get a lot done so far.

I'm still collecting info for my swap zine- Oodles of Doodles.
It is a lot better than the first issue.
I will tell you more about it in the coming weeks ahead!

I am posting a few things on Ebay during the next few weeks until the end of the month to raise money using the THINK PINK charms that were donated from the charm swap.
If you are interested in the info be sure to keep posted on the
Charity charm blog- I will be posting there later today.

I am also excited about all of the pictures I am taking with my VERY new camera for ETSY!
LOTS of listings. Just for the fun of it.

Heather Bluhm's birthday is TOMORROW.

Be sure to wish her well!


I hear that she has issue #6 of Portals ready to order!

Alma Stoller sent me a copy of her ODD BALL CHARM zine.
It is really cool how she recycles old zines to put her pages together.
It is FULL of her face doodles.
And several artistic materials to use in your art.

This is a sultry issue!

I also got a fun sample package of handmade Christmas cards from Pamela Huntington in the mail today.
She has such a way with Victorian and vintage imagery and mixes it with HUMOR!
All of the cards are dusted or dappled with glitter.
I found a few favorites- great for sending to all types of people who celebrate the holiday!

Links to Alma, Heather, Pam and The Think Pink CHARMS exchange are on my sidebar.
Check them out!
You can also click each underlined paragraph or line to visit their sites.
The links are set up to see examples of what they sent.

Gotta run!
Lots to do!




  1. after all that, I think I need a nap! lol - can't wait to hear more about Oodles of Doodles! :)

  2. Love your animation project below!
    Sandra Evertson


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