Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Do you use Preciosa?

Glass melts NOT in compliance with RoHS as of July 1st 2006

To learn more about RoHS, please click:

Download:The list of colors in compliance x not compliance with RoHS as of July 1st 2006.

Glass melts that are NOT in
compliance with the RoHS
as of July 1st 2006 and thus
must not be used as a
decorative part of electric
or electronic equipment
(Cell phone decor, watches,
or stones that cover something
that the hand will hold such as
IPOD crystal embellishmens etc.
art to wear that touches the skin)
are the following:

Color Name Color No.
Citrine 80310
Olivine 50230
Garnet 90120
Siam 90090
Hyacinth 90040
Sun 90310
Light Siam 90070

1 comment:

  1. Amber, this is very interesting stuff...I had never thought about the idea that beads were not made to come in contact with the skin! Lordy!

    Hey, I have a contest on my blog you may be interested it up if you wish! I am working quite diligently on my charms and will be up late on Thursday night with Orla to get all our workies finished...hopefully I can send you a big package early this next week!



Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!