Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ties that bind TTB

It is always helpful to have a camera with a working flash when you are an artist who wants to keep a record of your work.

Well, my most recent gift, a camera/video camera takes GREAT detail vids and pics. Unfortunately, *no* light or flash!

So... I keep borrowing my sister's camera from time to time in order to take good pictures.

On the day I mailed my TTB charms, I didn't have a flash. So these pictures are bleh

Under the two that I sent in for the TTB project, is another piece that I made initially, even before the Art Nouveau one pictured in a previous post.

But I changed my design, feeling that it might be too "hard core" looking for the project.

OK, so that's the sum of it all.



  1. I love those charms, and I really live the Art Nouveau one, and don't think it's hard at all! Very beautiful!

  2. Hi Amber :)

    You are a perfectionist and that is why you were not satisfied.

    To me the charms look absolutely gorgeous masterpieces.

    Have a nice day :)

  3. I love the charms, especially the last one. A glitzy Art Noveau biker chick - fabulous!

  4. YOur work is always so beautiful AMber Dawn Dont ever change

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