Tuesday, September 09, 2008

~*Think Pink*~

I am getting the entire batch of ~*Think Pink*~ charm swaps ready to ship. LOTS of swapping and wrapping, writing and taping!

It was a great turn out with 30 participants plus myself.
Each participant made a set of 12 charms, 10 to swap and two are a donation.
The extra charms will be used to create lovely art to wear bracelets.

Monica Magness will be holding a raffle and 1 of the bracelets will be used as a prize, the other one will be auctioned off on EBAY.




  1. I can't wait! I will be sitting by the mailbox! Though it's only 98 degrees here! No problem!

  2. We'll have to start calling you Speedy! Way to turn around a swap, Amber Dawn!


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!