Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A RECALL A learning experience! A delay in shipping too!

"Product RECALL"

If you have gotten a gross charm from me, please notify me at once!
I had created some VERY lovely vial charms with little flowers Swarovski's and reflective tape inside along with words.
What I did not know, was that the adhesive I had used, would react and turn my work colors and make the charms look corroded after a month of "sitting" and curing.
The metal on the back of the stones and the make up of the tape reacted with the Diamond glaze.
It is KNOWN that DG reacts with some metals, but I THOUGHT the DG had cured clear.
The DG must have still been "wet" when I sealed the vials.

Only a few of you have gotten these from me and I think that I sent them as extras to you anyway? I will trade you for a version of it that does not look terrible.

I had also promised a gift in the mail to three other artists, Joanna, Pam, and Christi.
When I went to pack them up for you guys, I saw how the charms had totally transformed and mutated into an unlovely looking work of art!

So that is why I am delayed.
I am airing out and reworking my methods!

I love the charms, and they are worth waiting for!



  1. Naughty adhesive! Amber, the charms sound lovely! I don't mind waiting at all. :) By the way, what kind of glue was it?

  2. Diamond glaze.
    And not much of it either!
    Just enough to spoil the delicate contents of each charm over the course of time.
    They were fine for a long time prior.
    I thought everything was perfect!
    It was not.

  3. Wow, and I was thinking Diamond Glaze was one of the better choices for low odor, low toxicity, reasonably protective, etc.

  4. Amber sweetie, hope you got my email. I received your special charms and my heart is touched beyond the moon :) Thank you so much. I am so stressed out right now going to the east, but when I come back I need to talk about you on my blog. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your work is so amazing.
    xo joanna


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