Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dear Jamie, Here is the box... from 2003

I used to make a lot of these types of fun "story" boxes for the home.
Jamie Noel, she makes them to WEAR!
Tiny cool movable circus and carnival theme games and attractions
FUN holiday an anytime gifts.
Catch her goodies on Etsy, or from any of the other places they sell.
You can find her link on my sidebar.
She is SO entertaining too!
(This box was assemblaged in 2003, the circus part is a music box too!)


  1. Too cute! Looks like a blast to make too!

  2. Cute! Hey Amber just checking in! Hope all is well.

  3. Amber! I love, love, love it! ( I sound like the goose in Charlotte's Web that repeats her words.)

    Also I want to get the journal you told me about.

    Am I too late?

    Tell me what to do. (I don't say that very often. I must really trust you.
    I'd never say it my husband! He'd hand me a list a mile long...for starters.

  4. Wow, this is truly glorious, it deserves theme music!

  5. I have nothing new to say, but I'm so thrilled with a post titled 'Dear Jamie' that I have to keep looking at it! The cool circus box is a bonus. You could have just written 'Dear Jamie' and posted a picture of a trashcan and I would still have been smitten.
    No, I don't know how my family puts up with me.


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!