Sunday, August 10, 2008


Designer, Crafter & Artist ~*Lucy*~ in Canada, is who I have been making all of the diary pages for.
I just checked out her Etsy shop, she makes some really nice recycled scrapbook paper, and other stuff for the body and home.
She will be selling the diary/address book starting in September.
If you are interested in knowing when they go on sale, email me or leave me a comment.
Here are a few samples of her work-

~*Pretty Bird Dress*~

~*Below are some of her couture lipbalms-*~

"Very soft natural lipbalm.
Ingredients: Organic unrefined virgin coconut oil,
extra virgin olive oil, pure bees wax, lavender essential oil.

Decorated with magazines."

Here is her Etsy address is- "Trashion Fashion" FANTAZYA

1 comment:

  1. wow - I never would have known! thanks for the link and yes, please let me know when the book goes on sale ... I don't want to miss the window. :)


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