Sunday, July 20, 2008

I added more pictures from the Cloisters since I posted this days ago...

These were taken by my little sister...
It's me entering the cloisters.

I uploaded my photos recently, so I will edit them when I can.
The date on her camera is wrong we went this year in July, not August of 2007.
We took her after I went in June and SHE LOVED IT! She really wanted to see the groundhogs!


  1. Wow, it's beautiful there and seems very serene. Both times I've been to NY, I wanted to visit The Cloisters but it didn't work out. Maybe next time. ;)

  2. Beautiful pictures!

  3. that place looks amazing - I'm sure that I could have taken 100's of photo's.

    Q: - do you think anyone would have caught me when I fixed the one candle? :) *giggles*

    thanks for sharing - can't wait to see some of your photos.

  4. Hello Amber!

    Many thanks for the tour of the Cloisters. Great photos, lovely statues and unique ambience!

    I am sure you immensely enjoyed your visit!

    Have a good day!

  5. The rest of the pictures you added are awesome. Great clarity. And wonderful subject matter! I am so jealous that you were able to see such beauty!


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!