Friday, July 18, 2008

Pat Winter & Brenda Wampler MADE MY DAY!


I am SO VERY *delighted* by the mail and gifts that I got in this morning's mail.

Brenda sent me a nice sized ceder chest which she made and it is FULL of well made and artistic charms for upcoming charm exchanges that I am hosting! (Still time to audition for sign ups!)

They are *so* COOL!

I am taking pictures this weekend!

So for now, here is just part of what arrived from Pat Winter in the mail.

My camera does not have a flash, so until I can take some pictures outdoors, this is the best that I can do.

My husband who is REALLY good at animating puppets and toys, is helping me make a short film using this doll.
We have a large painting of a home in Tuscany hung on our living room wall.
He was inspired to have this doll roam around the garden/yard while giving a tour.

Thank you Pat, not only did the kid in me have fun, but my husband's inner child was delighted to play too!

More pictures can be seen on the Makes A Wish blog.
Go on, and click the link above right that says, Think Pink Charms Exchange.

I posted a picture of a charm by Elizabeth Woodford, Donna Barnitz and more of the charms that Pat Winter have sent in for the charity exchange.
You can STILL sign up!
No sign up by deadline.



  1. WOW A-D! What AWESOME goodies! I LOVE that doll!

  2. Well wasn't going to the mailbox fun for you today! This doll is amazing! I started on my charms just today! yikes!....I have been slowly reading through your blog. It has been a blessing. Thank you

  3. that's some seriously good mail love! :)

  4. Now the pressure is really on! Pat's fairy is beautiful! She is a very talented lady!


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