Monday, June 30, 2008

Taking a bit of a break! But before I do-

I cannot wait to tell you all about my unplanned trip up to Castle Hill this weekend, and about the cute little groundhogs I saw here in Manhattan. It was quite magical to say the least.
I have never in my life been to Fort Tryon park, or the Cloisters before, but a quick spur of the moment car rental changed all of that.
We also saw Indiana Jones... Really a funny one.
There are deadlines and parties this week for me to attend to and plan so for now- I am officially "OFF" for two days.

Please enjoy the posts below all about Jamie Noel and Pat Winter. Click on their names to visit them.
Also be sure to visit the other blogs listed below and on my sidebar for added inspiration!
I will resume mailing swaps and prizes after the 7th.
A lot of fun art is happening!
Being happy and creative!
Amber Dawn


  1. Wish you a very happy and enjoyable weekend!

    Please check on the tagging I have done when you come back.

    Have a wonderful trip!

  2. I love the Cloisters! I had the chance to go there the last time I visited NYC and now recommend it to my friends when they visit. Can't wait to hear about what you saw there!

  3. Have a Fun and safe 4th of July!
    Sandra Evertson

  4. HI Amber Dawn...
    thanks for the visit..and Have
    a fabulous 4th - is that the
    Castle Hill in Newport?

  5. enjoy your brief break. thanks for stopping by my blog and have a great 4th!

  6. HI Amber Dawn...
    I have a little surprise for you
    ]on my blog today...

  7. Amber; I visited the Cloisters when I was in high school..oh so many years ago. It was truly magical and it stayed with me all these years. I have to go back again.

    I gave you a blog award..stop by and read my post to see how it works.

    xxpootie pie

  8. check out me blog I have sent you an award

  9. thanks for the info - I think I can swing it. :)

    you have to admit we were blessed with the BEST middle names. LOL


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