Sunday, June 08, 2008

23 have signed up so far for our THINK PINK charms exchange

I am happy to report that the word is spreading fast!
The charm exchange and fundraiser has 23 artists and designers signed up so far.
Please pass the word on. Feel free to copy the button and post it along with the blog link to your blog.

Details can be found by clicking on the "Think Pink Charms Exchange" button (picture) on my sidebar, and in a few posts below from this one.

There is no sign up deadline, however, it would be great to have all of the charms by the first week of August.

Thank you to those who are already spreading the word!



  1. Amber, that is great news! I'll be posting about this soon! Thank you for your generosity & support, you're the BEST!!!! xo, Monica :)

  2. OK I signed up ...You're quite a force.

  3. Sign me up Amber, I'm in!

    I'll make my post this weekend to show YOU off!

    Your spirit SHINES, soooooars!

    ~Monica :)


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!