Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tues. fun on the 7 train

I was on my way to Grand Central Station to meet Suzi at the Grand Hyatt hotel. It was a cold and rainy day and I had hoped to see someone familiar on the 7 train.

A few stops after I got on, I decided to move to the other side of the train car. At the next stop I looked out the door and there was Alan... That was a fun and unexpected surprise. What made the train ride even more enjoyable for me was having the chance to see his current portfolio.

Alan is a creative guy who along with his two sisters, when they were much younger, would spend time with me for most of the summer doing various art projects and take classes from me. They were like family.
Since those kids know me and my way of thinking, I let him know that I had hoped to see someone whom I knew... Also told him that out of any possible person, he was one of the best to meet that day.
He happened to be getting off at the same stop as me... That made it even more fun.

**I like to make a point when my simple everyday wishes come true... To tell the world, well anyone who will listen that is, that there is a method to the order of life around us.
And wishes do come true.**

I spent most of the day passing time by walking through shops and took a LONG walk from the fashion district to Chelsea to the East Village and back up to Union Square.

I bought a HUGE artichoke at Balducci's... This is it next to a 10 ounce container of salt!
Then walked to ABC Carpet and home where I spent a few minutes with Stacy the counter manager for the Tinsel Trading section. I bought some metal angel hair to use on a piece that I am working on.
After that I walked through the Tibetan section and saw some of the cutest felted kids shoes.
Then, there I was just 10 paces away amidst the fantastic delights of Michal Negrin who is one of my inspirations.
The sales girl was so sweet!
I bought a note pad as a gift using some of my birthday money. Cisco met me at ABC and then we went to Big Daddy's for dinner.
I was so tired that I couldn't finish my order, I just wanted to sleep.
It was a very full day. Full of anticipation, hope, excitement, gifts treats, good friends, new friends, love, joy and most of all... Great memories.


  1. The paper flower against the backdrop of the recycled bag looks stunning. Best wishes.

  2. The pins look very exclusive and fantastic. The paper flower against the recycled bag looks stunning. Wish you all success and prosperity.


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