Monday, May 19, 2008

~*My Ocean Dreamer*~ and an added polymer clay rant...

I sculpted this brooch from scrap "mud color" polymer clay. Circa 2005.
The face is meant to look as if it were wrapped in cozy tentacles.

The loop is for hanging glasses or a pen.

The crystals are all Swarovski and the paint was made by mixing pearl-ex with a clear medium. There is also ultra fine gold hologram glitter on the piece and that is what looks gritty on the surface.

I found my "Ocean Dreamer" eye glass holder on Sunday. Buried deep within my dresser drawer... Hidden away in a fancy tin box.

No one I know, likes looking at him besides me. Is there ANYONE reading this that thinks Ocean Dreamer is cool? My friends and family do not appreciate the art.

Rant follows---- involves complaining and kvetching...

It's been a couple of months since I have been able to work and relax with the polymer clay. Yet another material that I have a HUGE collection of that I LOVE to work with, yet makes me sick. I thought that I blogged about this before, but I guess I didn't.

I wrote about it on Jai's blog a while back...
Read about our polymer clay poisoning if you want CLICK ME

Polymer clay actually makes me really sick and causes severe pain internally.

From what I hear, the companies knew about the danger and have begun to reformulate their clays.

I miss molding and sculpting with it, I have so many ideas and am always so inspired to use it... But I do not like the painful and gross effects that it has on me.


Those darn' phthalates...

Gloves don't work for me cause they make creases and wrinkles in my work.


  1. I love your pendant. He reminds me of an art doll I made with polymer clay. I, too, have a bad reaction to it. My eyes start running and my nose gets stuffy from just being around uncured clay. If I touch it, I break out. Once it's been baked, though, I seem to do OK. The Polyclay people would always look at me like I was strange because I couldn't even be around long enough to watch a demo!

  2. i'ts funny. i really like how he looks and Most (pretty much all) clay faces with eyes closed sort of freak me out. but i like this one. :0)


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