Thursday, May 15, 2008

letting stuff go.

I'm taking a break from sorting and cleaning a few boxes of findings. Despite being sleepy, I need to keep dusting and polishing the metals.

Has anyone else tried to limit their Internet use lately in order to get more done?

I have found much relief by sorting through my supplies... Getting rid of things I held on to for too long with no motivation to use them.

I have been overwhelmed for years by the amount of merchandise which I have collected.

So now is my time to get through the task of letting go of the virtual art weeds...


  1. I think letting go is good for us. Short story....we were going to move, didn't, but in the mean time I started getting rid of tons of stuff I had not used. Now I have an art room that is neat, organized, and a pleasant place to work, for once! Added plus, someone else is enjoying my discards!

  2. i absolutely had to turn the computer off. i was spending so much time surfing and blogging that my whole day would melt away. i always had the computer on so i could listen to music but my husband got me an ipod and a docking station to play it with. so i'm trying to just keep the computer turned off. good luck cleaning out the treasures. it is easy to build up such a troll-sized stash! i have done it, too.


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