Saturday, April 19, 2008

The excitement is mounting!

I am even more excited about the display/furniture that my husband is building for me!
It's been coming along slowly, but OH SO BEAUTIFULLY!
The following are a few pictures to illustrate for you what he is working on...
This is the arch of the left side door. Just a pencil sketch, waiting to be cut...

This is the centerpoint where the two doors will join...

This is a view of the mold that he constructed along with the doors after being molded and penciled...

This is just another view of the uncut doors with the mold/frame he made to bend the wood...

He is CARVING into the the doors... It is AMAZING!

This is a carve test to see how the wood cuts with various bits, blades and tools... He is still not yet satisfied with the way the wood is carving. He is looking for a different technique...

1 comment:

  1. Amber, it's beautiful. It's dream furniture, the kind I would have made my Barbie years ago. It makes me happy to see Cisco making it for you now.



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