Sunday, February 24, 2008

Which Jane Austen Character are You?

Looking forward to watching more on PBS this evening!
Click here for the quiz-
Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!

My results are-
You scored as a ~*Elizabeth Bennet*~
As one of Austen's most beloved characters, Elizabeth Bennet represents what most women would like to become: strong, independent, and loyal. Of course, she has her faults including a stubborn will of iron and a clinging to first impressions. Overall, Lizzie is bright and lovable...something to admire and aspire to.
Elizabeth Bennet
Emma Woodhouse
Elinor Dashwood


  1. Amber, You are TAGGED. Go to my I'm It blog on Eat Man Drink Water to see the rules of the game! xxpatti o

  2. I'm an Elizabeth Bennett, too! :)


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