Saturday, December 22, 2007

A parable, a TALENT, a bit of faith and some hope... LOVE

Click here to read something that I identify with on a daily basis.
I would love to hear what you think!



  1. Thank you for sharing such a lovely story...still misty!
    Happy Holidays to you!

  2. I read that story the other day and found it very moving. Now THAT is a blessed man.

    My cardline..though it does cover alternative life styles, it also will encompass all kinds....including cards that can be used for anyone. But it is all springboarded by the one card I designed and I will start with that as there is very little on the market for wedding or romance cards for gay couples. I still need to get the card printed as I don't want to do it. xxxpoots

  3. Thanks for sharing this Amber Dawn -- it shows that we all should find our hidden talents. Happy Holidays!

  4. Such a lovely and moving article. Thank you for offering it to us!


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