Monday, September 17, 2007

~*Yay*~ An Emmy! And Pages for Vickie Enkoff's Daughters and Husband

So I somehow flipped the TV on to FOX and got used to the mindless chatter of pre award show red carpet banter.
What I mean is, I turned the TV on for background noise and wound up watching the Emmy's.
It was funny at times, dry at others... I think the best part was when some guy got on the stage and started saying things that I wish I could tell the Network "masters."

Stop interrupting programs and stop giving us A.D.D.! LET THE CREDITS ROLL AT A NORMAL SPEED AND DO NOT DO A SPLIT SCREEN!!!!
He said some other great stuff too, but I was so busy listening to DH agree with everything the guy on TV was saying that I sort of lost track of it all.

It was a cheer out loud moment for me as I was happy to see Current TV win an award, and *TOM* presented it.
Well, I guess I was happy mainly because I am on a featured POD shown on that TV station so it was like cheering for something that I was actually a part of!

I also got to see another few friends from school on TV too.
It is fun to see people grow, evolve, and be involved with the arts that we worked so hard to learn growing up.

OK, I logged on just to post pictures of the pages I had made for Vickie Enkoff's family.
Michelle Young is making a chunky book with our embellished pages for Vickie's 2 daughters and her husband Grady.
Catherine van der Hoeff was kind enough to let me use a picture that I took of her artwork as the base of my page.
It was not easy making work for this project, because of the stabbing sadness that I still feel over the loss of my old friend Vickie. I know that she would have just been happy to be told that she was appreciated. I needed to "show her" that I appreciated her.

It would have been nicer to have more time to spend on making these pages, but I only had a few hours to play around with my ideas.
Each page has a mini book and a Frida shrink plastic portrait on it.
The blurry image is intentional.
Shows a "brokeness" to the physical form.
The glue I had on hand when I glued the images to the cardstock did not cooperate, and I did not have time for a do over.


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