Saturday, September 08, 2007

Trials with the flame. I am experimenting. Self taught *ADVENTURES*!

Fun abstract beads.

FUN character skin test. For cartoon beads I want to make.

Blended glass with intentionaly trapped air bubbles.

Triangular shaped bead.

Trying to encase... Bead Release got loose. Had to quit. The design was SO cool. I had intentional trapped bubbles, and my stringer design was encased green and mint.
Bubbles... Intentional and cuter in person.

The letter "J" for Jan in CA.

These two beads fused together by mistake. so I added the dots to tie them together.

My little sister and I designed this one together. She stood next to me and directed the general placement of color and form of the bead as I went along. The red dots were my extra little touch.

These beads were made too fast and I had them in the wrong spot of the flame, too hot. So hot in fact, the glass looked CLEAR when I was working with it! It was a LOT of fun to see this stuff all hot and gooey!!! Now it is hard and makes a very pretty clinking noise.


  1. you beads are so cool. do you have a necklace with a bunch of them. i would love to see what they look like next to each other.

  2. Amber- oh how cool! I would love to learn to make beads but do I have time for yet another hobby? LOL! Marva


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