Thursday, July 05, 2007


My favorite part of celebrating the 4th here in NYC, is the sound and *feeling* of the explosive Macy's/Grucci fireworks blasting through the atmosphere.
Although it was rainy, the rain stopped just long enough for us to stand in the street to watch and feel the pyrotechnics.

I met a few new people. Had some good laughs and enjoyed the company of my friends and family.

Right now it is thundering and raining... For a July evening/early morning, it is quite cool in temperature, and I appreciate that fact. I appreciate days that are not hot.

I am at the moment, watching a movie, and waiting for some glaze to dry on a set of charms that I created for a swap.
I think I made 150 charms in June, and 40 this week alone.
Good practice!

Hosting swaps is great fun for me.
I like the organization aspect of it.

I think I feel like teaching again.
(It's been a while since I offered classes)

Teaching is fun.

That's all for today...
I have a birthday event to attend...

More tomorrow.

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