Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I will start selling stuff on ETSY to raise some money.
OK I need to raise a bunch of money.

LOTS of stuff like charms, beads, rhinestones, paper, brass and copper stampings, vintage goodies, crafts, fabrics, keys, polymer clay etc.
All from my personal stash.

If you are interested in seeing my ETSY listings, email me and I will send you a link when I list the first few lots.


I got the issue of Portals this weekend, and it looks like fun.
I have been enjoying this new found zine.
Heather did a great job rounding up talented artists to feature.
YAY Heather!


Life has been a little funny lately.


  1. Let me know when you list on Etsy-you know I love your things.

    I thought of you tonight when I went to see Sylvia Plachy speak about her photography. She is Adrian Brody's mother. You went to school w/him, no?

    HOpe you are ok. xxpatti poo

  2. Hey, cool, yeah I went to 2 schools with Adrian Brody and knew his dad more than I knew him.
    His dad and I had a fun relationship, I tutored several of his ESL students.

    He was always appreciative of my non conformist punk/art style, and would make me feel really confident in my self.


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!