Sunday, April 08, 2007

My entry for the SPRING Gleaner Zine Swap. ~*~ Sorry, there are none to sell, I only made 7, just for the swap.

Someone asked where I got the boot charms. They were custom cast. I do not know where to get more.
These are heavier than the stock model you may find in a jewelry parts catalog.


  1. Fantastic! Love each and every page.

    I've included a link to your blog on mine. If you'd rather I remove the link, please let me know.

  2. WOW !!!! Love the whole thing! Can you tell me where to get those great cowboy boot charms? TIA

  3. OH! I wish I had been in it and RECEIVED one of those! I want so much to see it up close! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!

  4. Hi darling,just passing threw,come on over for a visit

  5. Oh... *sigh* I wish I would have had the time to submit to that swap just so that I could possibly get one of those 'zines! They look incredible. Sometimes the fresh, raw handmade ones are the best. Sure, your polished zines are always fantastic! But these are also very intriguing! If you would have made extras, I would have definitely purchased one!

  6. Your work is AMAZING! I found your blog from Dawn Sellers, and I'm so glad I did.

  7. Another wonderful creation. What fun.


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!