Monday, April 23, 2007


One of the best gifts, is waking up on my birthday, knowing I have *true* friends who are SO AWESOME!
Friends who I have had for SO many years, and new friends too.
You can always tell a true friend from a false one. Watch how they treat others not just yourself. It is in their way of giving and taking. The way they talk about others.
If they offer to give more than they take, share more than they expect to be given, and love you when your life is dark and depressing. All despite you being a miserable boring person during your darkest times...
You know you have found the rare friends that can relate to you and lift you up when you need it.
I have some of THE best friends anyone could ever dream of asking for.
My friends are loyal, kind, patient, true, funny, cool, artistic, loving, generous, self sacrificing, encouraging, talented, strong and brave.
Thank you friends, for being there with me through the years. When I look back at all I/we have been through... I find myself appreciating you even more than I could ever possibly put into words.
Through my times at home, through losing friends and family to death and sad circumstances, through raising my sister, through being injured and stuck in bed for months,
through the days of when New York City was falling apart. When I needed you the most, you were there. And you listened, to my endless phone calls, emails and instant messages of blah blah blah.
Thank you for supporting me, in all of the ways that I needed it most at any given time.
Without you, my life would not be as wonderful and hopeful as it is *today*.

Thank you for making *today* so much better.

I really do deeply appreciate you.



  1. Happy Birthday Amber!!!Wishing you much success and happiness in your year ahead!
    Best wishes,

  2. Hope you have a VERY HAPPY Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday Amber! I hope all the best birthday wishes are coming true for you today! ~Anne

  4. Happy birthday, Amber! I hope you have a wonderful day...


  5. Happy Birthday to my Friend !!!!!
    still working on those 3.5 Supers?
    Have just the best day ever.

  6. Happy Birthday Amber! Two days agao was one of my best friends yesterday was my grand child's and the 28th is mine! April is a great month to be born! Hope you have enjoyed your day!

  7. To a new, but dear friend I hope your day was GREAT!! You have made my life brighter and helped me to belive in myself. A priceless gift.

  8. Happy Birthday! I love birthdays! I will have a cupcake in honor of you! I love cake too! Thanks for hosting great swaps!! Heather!!

  9. Happy Late B-Day A-D! I am sorry I am just now getting around to telling you. I didn't know until I read your post just now. I hope you had a good one.



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