Monday, March 12, 2007

This is one of my favorite pictures that I took the day I met Alma Stoller in Manhattan last summer.
These houses are off of Park Ave. by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I cannot even imagine what they would look like in the interior, but could you imagine having ALL OF THAT SPACE??? I would love to see what is inside! These just look so OLD and BIG! Any idea how old these are? Late 170os? Mid 1800s? The cost of living there is too much for me to even imagine myself trying for!
In that area, must be at least 3 BIG bills. (Millions)

OK, end of blog!


  1. Amber,

    I love this photo!

    Heather Price

  2. Hi Amber,

    I love this picture....but a closer look will reveal that the houses are all old and falling apart.
    But it is a good photo.


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