Thursday, March 01, 2007

Catching up with friends and family.

OK to say that I have been busy is an understatement!
I am here now blogging about thoughts and recent events, and posting a BEAUTIFUL planter designed by the AMAZING and wonderfully talented Sonji Hunt.
I have just finished wrapping-1080 charms in the last 4 days! I am SO in need of some NON art related fun!
It would be so wonderful to have a bouquet of fresh and colorful flowers to stick my face into right about now
While out this week, I visited a LOVELY florist who had some very unusual and wonderfully colored florals.
WOW. I MISS blooming flowers!!!!

It is a stone gray day outside of my window and I have a pounding headache.

Just a few more weeks until the blooming begins, I have to hang in there!!!
Then, mid April will be here and there will be a riot of color outside and I REALLY look forward to it!!!

Hope you are all having fun, or staying safe.
I have been trying my best to pace myself with the charm swap, zine, and other chores etc.
Email me, I have a few hours to catch up if you want to chat!
Or leave me a comment, if I know you, I probably miss you!
Hi Amy, Patti, Regina, Fran, Nikki, Alma, Sonji, Sammy, Debi, Ruth, Carla, Melanie, Lisa, Glenda, Linda, Carlotta, Elsie, Ethel, Margie, Michelle, Erica, Nancy, Kate, Kathy, Cathi, Suze, John, Gabriel, Susan, Gina, Grace, Peg, Pat, & *you too*!


1 comment:

  1. Hey girlie! Sounds like you've been a busy gal! I hope you get some fun time for yourself. If you get a moment, check out my blog to see what I've been up to. I went to an art fair today and met some awesome artists! big hugs, Fran


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