Monday, March 05, 2007

I just got a parcel that the mail man brought, it is a bunch of fabric charms, and a set of mini charm books made by Jan B.
Also, earlier today, I went to the PO to pick up swaps and gifts!
Ninfa sent me resin art and some ephemera, game pieces and images. Thanks NINFA!
Glenda Bailey sent me a WONDERFUL box full of colorful Merino wool, a felting needle, a card of fancy fibers and some wool felt so that I can learn how to needle felt. She also sent a package full of the images that she uses in her GORGEOUS felted pieces.
THANK YOU GLENDA! I will post pictures of whatever I make!

Last but not least, Angie Hall H. sent me 25 mini collages from the inch swap.
I got two that I REALLY wanted and I am THRILLED!
As soon as the battery to my camera is done charging, I will post some pictures.

It was just snowing like a blizzard, and now the sky is blue and the sun bright.
It has been doing that for over 2 hours now. On and off.
VERY unusual and fun weather!

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