Saturday, February 10, 2007

I am having a mixed week.
Some great, some good, some annoying, times.
My camera flash is not functioning, so I am not able to take pictures to post on the blog.
BUT I did find my old Hi8, so I will be filming my work, and charms, and STUFF. And then I can snap pictures of the screen, because it is already lit!
*bright idea huh?*

Anyway,I have not been anywhere special, to talk, about recently... but I have been thinking a lot and making plans.
Right now, I don't feel like blogging....



  1. amber... I kow this past week has been ruff for you, I do hope you will be able to shake it off and get back to enjoying the creating of art and the blogging fun! No more fumes!!! right!

    Thoughts and prayers sending your way!

  2. Hi Amber,
    I am a new ICE member and was just checking out your blog. Sounds like you are very busy. Thanks for hosting the swaps. I know that's a big job. I was reading your bio and see that you are also a Peretti fan. I love his books! Wish he would come out with something new.
    Have a good day.


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!