Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Despite the wind and cold temp today, I encouraged myself to get out and take a long walk.

At first it was not so much fun, the wind was whipping, I had to hold my hat with my hand, and hold my coat closed with the other.
It was COLD!!!!

However, I had a purpose and I had to keep going!
The other day, we got a piece of open mail addressed to our home, but the persons whom it was addressed to do not live here... I do not even know who they are.
Since the envelope was already open, I decided to check to see if there was any way to contact the person who sent the mail.
Inside of this open envelope were two money orders for $700.00 total... what is worse, it was someone's rent payment from another state! They must own the property over there and live here.
I tried my best to contact the person it was from, and the persons to whom it was addressed... but all of my phone calls lead to dead ends.
In the end, I decided to just bring it to the post office and have them return to sender noting, that it was received open and undeliverable. I felt better after that.

Well, while at the PO, I got two fun parcels, in the mail, that made my walk feel worth while.

After the post office- I decided to go into a thrift store down the block.
I found 2 long warm scarves,2 great thick and heavy text books, and a SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL STUDDED costume LOADED with seed BEADS and pretty square sequins and plastic beads and glass beads and chaton roses, rivolis. IT WAS A FIND! It was not expensive at all!
The total of everything that I bought with tax was just over $20.00!
On my way home, I was checking both ways before crossing the street... when I looked to my right, I noticed some very colorful garbage. I crossed over the street, to take a look. It was in front of a complex where upper middle class people dwell so I was not too shy to take a look! When I got closer I saw that it was just a bunch of empty doll boxes and toy wrappings... HOWEVER<--- Laying right on top of a pile of black bags was an antique ornate large wooden frame!!!
What a treasure!!!
After that, I found a quarter!
It was a fun day in the cold after all!!!

It is good to be nice and warm again!


  1. Your day sounds perfect! LOL I am sometimes known as a dumpster diva... one of my prouder moments was the other day at the recycling depot when my two boys (age 11 and 13) were delighted to find a pile of styrofoam that they could use for some models they are building. The legacy continues! LOL

    Enjoyed your blog, I'll be back!


  2. With a day like that you should have played the lotto too!

  3. What a fun day! I love days like that when synchronicity and life seem to come together! Fran


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