Thursday, November 30, 2006

How do ~*YOU*~ know ME?
As I sit here thinking about my blog... I wondered, "Who reads this?", "Do I know many of these people?", "How well do they really know me?"...
So, I wondered if maybe I posted a few questions, you, my blog readers would respond in the comments section?
I guess I will ask this again in December because in one day, this blog post will be an archive of November....


Do I know you?

How do I know you?

Where did you first meet me?
How did you hear about me?

How long have we known each other?

Do you own any of my art work?

Have you heard of me before reading my blog?

What can you tell me about *me* from *your* perspective?

Sometimes we see ourselves more clearly through the eyes of others.
I am really interested in your thoughts and opinions. I feel like this is a fun experiment!


  1. Do I know you? Only electronically and via the USPS!

    How do I know you? Through swaps and e-mail.

    How long have we known each other? I'd say about five years, give or take.

    Do you own any of my art work? Very lucky to say YES!

    Have you heard of me before reading my blog? Of course! Hasn't everyone?

    Will can you tell me about me from your perspective? You appear to be one wild and crazy gal! But one filled with creativity and attention to detail. Yay!



    Do I know you? No.

    How do I know you? You don't!

    Where did you first meet me?
    How did you hear about me? I found your blog through Alma Stoller's. I don't know her, either, but probably found her blog through some other quilter's blog.

    How long have we known each other?

    Do you own any of my art work?

    Have you heard of me before reading my blog?

    What can you tell me about *me* from *your* perspective?
    Not a lot! You're obviously very creative. I mostly quilt, but do some beading and jewelry making. Haven't made any charms, though, they're interesting.

  3. Do I know you? electronically ;)

    How do I know you? same as above.

    Where did you first meet me?
    How did you hear about me?
    I joined your art group

    How long have we known each other?
    about 3 years

    Do you own any of my art work?
    yes I do :) lucky me!

    Have you heard of me before reading my blog?
    yes :)

    What can you tell me about *me* from *your* perspective? fun, helpful , and always ready to create art!

  4. Do I know you? No

    How do I know you?

    Where did you first meet me? I've seen your name in Yahoo groups
    How did you hear about me? I found your blog through Alma Stoller's blog

    How long have we known each other?

    Do you own any of my art work? No

    Have you heard of me before reading my blog? Yes, see above

    What can you tell me about *me* from *your* perspective? You live in NY...


  5. Do I know you? Hmmm... do we ever really know someone?

    How do I know you? Via internet groups, swaps, emails, telephone calls and 'zine making.

    Where did you first meet me?
    How did you hear about me?

    I "met" you through Fianna's group!

    How long have we known each other?
    Almost 2 years now.

    Do you own any of my art work?

    Have you heard of me before reading my blog? Yes

    What can you tell me about *me* from *your* perspective?
    Based on the various experiences I've had with you, I've known you to be a creative and compassionate soul... one who thinks of others often. Smart, funny, and someone whom I feel very honored to call a friend.



Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!