Sunday, October 08, 2006

Would you like to exchange ART CHARMS?
LOTS of charms, all kinds of creative HANDMADE charms?
Yes, I am rambling about C-H-A-R-M-S now at 1:30 am on this beautiful Sunday.

I was chosen to host the big to do by Anne Downen, THE MIXED MEDIA ECCENTRIC PASTICHE CHARM swap.
It is so much fun to make artsy and wonderfully unique charms, so if you would like to join the swap, let me know and I will sign you up!
It will be a pretty cool exchange/swap so I do expect LOTS of people to join in.
I am hoping for a 30+ membership.
What it will be, is a swap of handmade artistic charms. You make a certain number and get a certain number of them back.
If over 20 people sign up, I am thinking of a 21 for 20. That means, you craft, create and concoct 21 wonderful mixed media charms, and I send you 20 in return.
Here is the INSPIRATION post that I sent to the first group that the swap will be open to-
Hi Everyone.
Before I post swap rules and details I wanted to inspire you to join.
Take a look at what some other artists have done in their own swaps and art work.
Each of the links below relate to handmade art charms.
Some are miniature altered pieces, while others are made from scratch.
Have a look and start to imagine what you could make.
Amber Dawn

Some supplies from this BLOG-


  1. Amber, I just found your blog. I was reading about your charm swap and am eagerly awaiting some additional details. I am very interested but the due date is a big issue for me with the Zine deadlines looming!! Cheers, I am bookmarking you now!

  2. Hi Amber, I would love to take part in this swap. Is it open to anyone or do you have to be in a particular group? And do you have enough people yet? Please could you let me know if I can join in and when you need to receive the charms by? My e-mail is
    Thanks very much.


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