Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I am so proud to say, that this is what my custom wall unit looked like several months ago... It is now much more elaborate, yet not completely finished.

The counter top is *8* feet long!!!
There are 24 clear acrylic front drawers... And since this photo was taken, there are now knobs and handles on each one.
Although it is not yet complete, I have already filled each and every drawer up to it's capacity!

I feel so lucky to have talented friends and family who share their time making things for me!

To the one who made this for me, *THANK YOU*!!!!!


  1. LUCKY YOU Girl! That thing is HUGE & Beautiful! It might hold 1/3 of your supplies! LOL

  2. Nope, maybe 5% of my supplies Amy!
    I am NOT exagerating!

  3. Amber..this wall unit ROCKS!!! Can't wait to see it all done and loaded to the gills!!


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