Saturday, November 26, 2011

~*70 giveaways! Free to enter! LOTS of eye candy! Lots of beads! Lots of cool stuff! FREE!!!!*~

FREE giveaways! Including one of my cupcake beads which will be posted on there next week!
 It's a HUGE event! 70 designers, artists and crafters are giving away their creations and or supplies! 
The event starts TODAY! all you have to do is go over to the blog and read what you need to do to enter!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Today, I taught 3 classes...

Well, it's going to be 11:11 11/11/11 in a few minutes. Since it only happens 2x every 1,000 years, I figured I would log in and write about my day

It was a pretty good day. The weather was a bit cold, but nice and clear out.

I saw a childhood friend and met her daughter, taught 3 back to back jewelry classes and I had a really nice time with it.
I luck out with the coolest students!
My sister has advanced to the next level at trying to obtain a very good scholarship (FULL TUITION!) to a very good college. I am hoping for the best- it would be an AMAZING blessing if she got it.

I've been learning a lot of cool techniques this week and have been practicing some new ideas too. So far, I am crocheting a fun new pair of wrist warmers and a matching hat!
I'll post photos between next month and January- because I want to give these as gifts and keep it as a surprise.

I work with some really awesome people and they've been keeping me entertained and smiling a lot. I am grateful.

My polymer work is getting even more detailed and I look forward to sharing it soon! 
Keeping this post short, have a great weekend everyone!
:::Waves bye:::

Friday, November 04, 2011

~*Just because, I, FELT, like it.*~

I started to wire crochet with beads, this season, which has inspired me to add in beads to my wool creations. Here are some samples of my work from yesterday.

 Form Fitted & Felted  
Art to wear & be cozy! 
Amber Dawn 2011 
Crocheted Wool With beads and crystals. 
The lime green beads are reflective 
which makes them useful to dog walkers,
bicyclists and pedestrians, at night.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

~*Beading along while I am singing a song...*~

It's the holiday season! Inspiring me to create more art to wear!
I purchased a whole lot of goodies to bead with from my local art store last week.

These are some of the things I designed.
I've been playing some fun music with upbeat lyrics to sing along to while I work.
It makes the tiny repeating bead patterns more bearable! :o)

I was watching "Tetro" while designing the necklace and bracelet. It played out like an artistic telenovela! :) Great cinematography!