Friday, July 31, 2009

My carpenter is the one wearing the racing stripes.
(11 years ago)
Although my furniture is STILL in progress, it's being used!

A little piece of me-

The little one is on a dime to show you size comparison.
I really *had* to work with the clay without the gloves - I LOVE my results.

I cannot share with you everything I made because some of it will be submitted for publication...
But here are a couple of cute clowns--- What do you think?

~*Virtual Vacation...*~

This week was supposed to be full of traveling and camping in the woods. But the rain and humidity has kept us home, in the city.
We've been making the most of it, taking in new sights and visiting new places in and around Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island.

We've made a few new cool friends and just happened to cross paths with really old and good friends!

It's been a really restful time.
Something we've needed really bad.

I'm happy to say that I feel peace.


Wishing you a happy and healthy weekend!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

1 link I found in my queue that I forgot about but need to read more often...

Known and probable carcinogens - things that might, can or will cause flare ups of cancer-
Save your children...Save your pets.... Save your family... Save yourself.
Read the lists! Here<----------

Thursday, July 16, 2009

S.T.E.M. their song Bounce is moving quickly up the charts!

IMN Independent Music Network debuted Bounce just over two and a half weeks ago at #30!
Last week it moved up to #17 and this week is all the way up to #7!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*TOTALLY COOL!*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

S.T.E.M is a pretty good progressive rock band and I wanted to share with you their lead guitarist Greg Bolomey who actually teaches riff variations from their newest album. He also teaches other guitar tricks and treats so be sure to check him out! (That is him below.)
I encourage you to TRY to listen to their music, if you like heavy rock-

Really cool guys, good hearts and hardcore beats!

It's hot!

Friday, July 10, 2009

May I offer you some treats? OK guys and gals, the pastries below are CLAY! Not real! PLEASE see the very last picture for the SURPRISE! :o)

So - none of this is painted it is all plastic/polymer clay!

My first time touching the clay in a LONG time! Has it been a year yet?!



So I answered the call and had some FUN!

What do you think?


I am happy!

(((And please forgive the roughness! My goal was not perfection it was for the expression!)))

Monday, July 06, 2009

~*The Winner is Roxi!*~

Hey Roxi!
You were randomly chosen out of a pool of 90 people as this weeks winner!

Congrats to you!
Please refer to the previous post to see what you've won!

~*::::Throws virtual confetti and cheers, "Hooray"!!!::::*~

::::Party horns and rattle noise makers for effect::::
~*Please comment me with your mailing address ASAP*~

I'll be doing another drawing from my followers list in August!
~*Stay tuned*~

Friday, July 03, 2009

~*Picking a name from my followers list to win a prize!*~

It's been a fun week for me!
To celebrate, I have decided to pick a name/picture from my followers list to win a prize!
I would hate to exclude those of you who follow my blog regularly that have not yet clicked on "follow" on the right hand side of my blog...

I will draw a winner this coming Monday night!

What does the winner get?

The winner will be able to choose from a selection of 4 categories.
#1- Beads
#2- Antique and vintage tooled metal findings/charms
#3- Charm making supplies and some raw metal chain or plated chain.
or #4 scrapbook embellishments!

So, if you have been following my blog, and would like to enter, please click "Follow"

~*Have a SAFE and HAPPY holiday!*~

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

~* S.T.E.M. *~ Really cool sound! Worth far more than the $ I spent!!!

Space Time Energy Mass...

That is what S.T.E.M. stands for.

A progressive rock band from New York.
(((Each of their songs have seriously cool and catchy changes!)))

Vocals: The epic maximus composer & chalice drummer -Ryan Safarian
Guitar: The mighty plectrum striker -Greg Bolomey
Bass: The anchoring tone keeper -Jeff Romano
Drums: The beat & rhythm master Tony Consalvo

I bought their new digital album, The .7 Compromise, (it's less than $9.00!!!)
just a few weeks ago and enjoy the unusual time signatures and ROCKING melodic music they play. The lyrics are very poetic and nothing short of deep.

The album sounds even more INCREDIBLE with headphones on!!!

It sounds SO good on the iPod!!!! (The computer speakers are not good at translating the delicate vocal tones and "face melting" guitar riffs.)

They are not a heavy metal band per se, but do play very hard core melodic sounds fused with Mediterranean ethnic soul, kicking beats... A GREAT guitarist, bassist and drummer!!!

I am :::REALLY::: enjoying most of the songs and feel that the album was a Very Good purchase.

The whole band has serious talent and a great sense of humor, worth checking out!
Here is a comment which I found posted on
(Posted by Romik)

"progressive... YES
simple carpenters... ONLY ON SUNDAYS

if you're into Rush, Tool, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Dream Theater, Peter Gabriel

Get THIS Album! look up ineffable and apotheosis then Get THIS Album to achieve IT.
If you don't believe me just listen to the lyrics. The music itself holds a sick dichotomy of darker themes with beautiful tones of what I like to call harmonic devastation! Their unique perspective brings a fresh originality that's been missing for quite some time. Unrivaled talents... I know that's BIG but if your sick and tired of whats out there, then you seriously need to belly flop into this mess: space time energy mass

by the way tracks 2, 5, and 6 played in that order opens the gate to the 7th dimension."

(If you see this, Romik, I hope that you do not mind me quoting you...)

Many of you live in areas where their song "Bounce" has made it to your radio already!

If you have heard it, like the CD or have voted for them on IMN , I would love to hear your feedback!

Leave me a comment by clicking on the comments link just below this post, right next to the date.

~*Please VOTE for S.T.E.M. It would make ~*ME*~ very happy!!!*~
(((Vote by clicking on S.T.E.M.)))
"Ryjin - Dirty Little Minds (RRM) Between the "R" and the "S" on the list
S.T.E.M. - Bounce (RedPig) <------------ Sabrina Taylor - Ferris Wheel (STR)"
HERE <----------- VOTE Join their mailing list! Even if you don't buy the songs- They are always entertaining! Click HERE

The .7 Compromise